
FAQ ID # 5
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
What is Netspawn?

Answer / Solution


  1. Netspawn is a tool that your agency can used for several reasons:
    • To speed up the program rating process on a network.
    • To allow for administrative restrictions of certain features for computers on a network.
  2. How does it work?
    • The workstations on a network will run a file called Netspawn.exe instead of the regular program executable such as ??CMP32.exe (the ?? is the state abbreviation).
    • When a workstation runs this file, it copies the program files down from the server to the local computer to: C:\Program Files\Insurance Technologies\XX Automobile Comparative Rating System (XX is the state name).
    • When the server copy is updated, the workstations running netspawn will automatically be updated the next time the program is opened.  It looks at the server program files and if there are newer files it will copy those new files down to that computer.
    • The program is run locally by each workstation, however all saved quotes are stored on the server. This causes the program to run faster since it is not running over the network.
    • Netspawned workstations have certain restrictions and therefore cannot do the following:
      • Run program updates
      • Access the Company Setup
      • Access Producer Codes

NOTE: These options are grayed out in the program for those computers running Netspawn.


Related FAQs
How do I install NetSpawn?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Netspawn defined network

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