
FAQ ID # 49
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I choose a different payment plan from the one that is defaulted on the quote preview?

Answer / Solution

How to choose a different payment plan on the quote preview?

NOTE: This selection will not change the default payment plan for future quotes.

  1. At the bottom of the screen, you will see multiple payment plans under the Available Payment Plans section.
  2. The payment plan that is highlighted is the one that displays on the quote preview and is the default payment plan set up for that company.
  3. To choose a different payment plan for the insured on this quote only, double click on the payment plan description.
  4. You will see the screen refresh.
  5. To verify that the program replaced the payment plan with the one that you chose, scroll down the quote to the payment plan section (just below the Total Premium line).

Quote Breakdown screen payment plan selection.pdf (41.7Kb)

Direct Link to This FAQ

Select new payment plan

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