
FAQ ID # 37
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
What is the Quote Description entry field used for?

Answer / Solution

Quote Description entry field:

  1. The Quote Description entry field is found on:
    • The Policy (F3) screen on the Additional Information tab under the Policy Period Information section. This area can be used, for example, on saved quotes that change from a quote to a bound policy.
    • The most visible screen that includes this entry field is the Insured Information screen that comes up when saving a new quote. 
  2. This entry field can used several ways:
    • To help you distinguish multiple quotes for one insured that is viewed on the Select a quote to open screen.
    • To run reports on several different quote types (i.e. New business, Renewals, a description for how many were sold or bound. etc).
  3. To add to or modify the dropdown list of items:
    • Go to the Edit menu and select Quote Descriptions:
      • Click on the Add button to add a new item to the list.  You will be asked to enter a description name, click OK to exit.  The new item will immediately appear on the list.
      • To modify the description of an existing item on the list, left click to highlight and select it, then click on the Edit button.  Type in your new description over the old.
      • To remove an item from the list, left click to highlight and select it, then click on the Delete button.
      • If you want to an item in the list to always display in the Quote Description entry field, select the description and click on the Set Default button.

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Quote descriptions reporting

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