
FAQ ID # 36
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How can I start tracking where my business is coming from for each quote that I save?

Answer / Solution

Using Lead Sources to track business:

  1. Each quote has an entry field called Lead Sources on the Policy (F3) tab. This entry field has a default dropdown list.  This entry field can be used in running quote reports.
  2. If you have additional or more specific descriptions for tracking your sales leads that you would like to appear on this list, you can add or modify this list:
    • Go to the Edit menu and select Lead Sources.
      • Click on the Add button to add a new item to the list.
      • To change the description for an existing item, left click to select and highlight it, then click on the Edit button.  Type in the new description over the old.
      • To remove an item from the list, left click to highlight and select it, then click on the Delete button.
      • If there is a Lead Source that you would like to default on all new quotes, left click to highlight and select the item, then click on the Set Default button.
  3. Click on the Done button to exit the screen.

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Lead sources quote business tracking

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