
FAQ ID # 32
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I set up additional agency premiums or fees for my quotes (Miscellaneous Premiums)?

Answer / Solution

Setting up Miscellaneous Premiums:

The Miscellaneous Premium setup allows you to apply one or more additional premiums or fees to your quotes. 

  1. There are 2 options to access this setup:
    • Go to the Edit menu and select Miscellaneous Premiums. OR
    • From the Policy <F3> tab, click on the Select Misc. Premium at the bottom right of the screen.
  2. Either option will take you to the Miscellaneous Premium screen.
  3. To add a Miscellaneous Premium, click on the New button.
  4. Enter a name for the new premium in the Description entry field (this description will display on your quote printouts).
  5. Select the Calculation Method from the dropdown list:
    • Apply to Downpayment - This means that the entire Miscellaneous Premium amount will be added to the downpayment after the calculation of the insurance premium downpayment.
    • Finanaced - This means that the Miscellaneous Premium amount will be added to the insurance premium to calculate the downpayment amount.
  6. Enter dollar value of the Miscellaneous Premium in the Premium Amount entry field.
  7. The last step is to select how to apply the premium:
    • Policy - this will apply the premium as one fee on a per policy basis.
    • Driver - this will apply the premium as a fee for each driver on the policy. 
    • Vehicle - this will apply the premium as a fee for each vehcile on the policy.
    • % Based On Total Premium - this will apply the premium as one fee based on the total policy premium.  After selecting this option, you will need to enter a percentage.
  8. Once all of your fees are set up, you can select one or more of these premiums on the Policy <F3> tab to include on your quote:
    • Click on the Select Misc. Premium button at the bottom right of the screen.
    • Left click on the Premium Description name and then on the Select button or left double click on the Premium Description name.
  9. If you selected the wrong Miscellaneous Premium, you can click on the Delete Misc. Premium button to remove the premium from your quote (this button will only delete the premium from the quote and not the setup).  

Miscellaneous Premium setup and selection screens.pdf (82.6Kb)
Policy tab Miscellaneous Premium section.pdf (96.9Kb)
Quote preview with Miscellaneous premiums.pdf (88.7Kb)

Direct Link to This FAQ

Agency fee miscellaneous premium

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