
FAQ ID # 31
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I delete quotes that I no longer need from the Comparative?

Answer / Solution

How to delete quotes from the Comparative:

  1. All users must exit the Comparative, if you are on a network.
  2. Close all open quotes.
  3. Go to the Tools menu and select Quote Management/Delete Quotes. OR
  4. Click on the file cabinet icon from the toolbar at the top of the screen. 
  5. The Delete Quotes menu will appear.
  6. In the Deletion Type entry field you have several option types to delete by:
    • Named Insured
    • Date Quoted
    • Date Written
    • Date Modified
  7. Depending on what deletion type you selected, you can enter parameter to delete by such as a date range.
  8. Once you have entered your deletion parameters, click on the List button at the bottom of the screen.
  9. You will  see a list of quotes appear with the insured name and, depending on your deletion parameter, a date quoted, modified, or written on.  All will have a checkmark next to the insured name.
  10. Once the entire list has been displayed, you can go through the list and uncheck those you do not want to delete or click on the Select/Unselect All Quotes box to uncheck all quotes to allow you to select those you want to delete.
  11. After selecting all quotes that you want to delete, click on the Delete button at the bottom of the screen.
  12. You will be asked to confirm that you want to delete the selected quotes.
  13. When you click  Yes,  the list will disappear and delete all selected quotes.  You can click on the List button again if you would like to verify that the quotes that you didn't want deleted from the list are still there. 
  14. We recommend that, after you have deleted quotes, you click on the PACK DATA Tables option.  This will remove the blank spaces in your quote file that was once occupied by the deleted quotes.  This compresses the quote file.
    • Selecting the PACK DATA Tables option before exiting the Delete Quotes screen will run through this process:
      • You will be given an option to continue or exit (this process can take several minutes depending on the size of your quote file),
      • If you click Yes, you will be asked to close and re-open the Comparative.
      • When you re-open the Comparative, you will see the Database Initialization screen that displays all of the tables in your quote file database with the old table file size, new table file size and the reduction percentage.

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