
FAQ ID # 30
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I add a vehicle to my quote?

Answer / Solution

How to add a vehicle to a quote:

  1. Go to the <F5> Vehicles tab.
  2. At the top of the screen, left click to highlight the vehicle that you want to delete and:
    • Click on the black plus sign "+" on the icon toolbar at the top of the screen. OR
    • Go to the Quote menu and select Add Vehicle. OR
    • Press your CTRL + F12 keys.
  3. Your cursor will now be placed in the Model Year entry field to allow you to begin entry for this new vehicle.

NOTE:  The maximum number of vehicle that can be entered on a quote is 4.

Related FAQs
How can I quickly delete a vehicle from my quote?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Add vehicle to quote

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