
FAQ ID # 3
Last Update : 2013/06/28
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Question / Issue
I've installed the Comparative Rater on my VISTA or windows 7 machine, but can't open the program. I get this error: Exception EOleError in module Vcl40.bpl at 00001953C (may be a different address than this). Error creating system registry entry.

Answer / Solution

Opening the Comparative Rater on a computer with VISTA or Windows 7:

  1. Based on the security settings in VISTA you will need to run the program as administrator.
  2. To change your shortcut so that it will open the program from then on as administrator:
    • Right click on your shortcut for the Comparative Rater.
    • Select Properties from the menu.
    • Go to the Compatibility tab.
    • In the Privilege Level section, click on Run this program as an administrator.
    • Click on OK to save and close this screen.

Run as Administrator for VISTA.pdf (16.9Kb)

Direct Link to This FAQ

VISTA operating system opening Comparative Rater

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