
FAQ ID # 259
Last Update : 2010/12/29
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Question / Issue
How does NetQuote work with TurboRater?

Answer / Solution

NetQuote is a web based lead generation company.

The agent receives an email notifying them that they have a new lead,

The agent logs in to their site,

The leads are displayed as “links” on the web page.

The agent clicks on this link that is opened by TurboRater, which automatically imports the quote.

 NetQuote does not provide the following:

  • Violation Attributes
  • Specific date of the violation, they will send month and year 
  • NetQuote does not follow the standard ACORD violation codes. This means, if TurboRater does not recognize a violation code, then the violation will not appear for the driver.
  • Prior Carrier Limits
  • Policy effective date (TurboRater defaults to the current date)

NetQuote only provides coverage information for BI, PD, UMBI, UIMBI, Comp, and Coll. They do not send any other coverage information. (Example: PIP, MedPay, Rental, Towing, etc.)

The user will need to run the CMP first to setup the file association. NetQuote sends the file in xml, but will have .tbr as the file extension. The .tbr has to be there in order to launch the CMP.


NetQuote can not send TurboRater state specific information to know which TurboRater state to open.

For agents in multiple states, which ever state is opened last, will be the state that launches, when they open the file.

Example: If agent Bob has MO, IL, and IN, the last state he had open, MO, will open when he selects the file. Now this file might be for IL or IN, but TurboRater has no way of knowing this. Bob will need to close MOCMP and then open the state that the file is for.).




Click here for more information on NetQuote on their website.



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