
FAQ ID # 250
Last Update : 2010/09/14
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Question / Issue
How do I fix these error messages when trying to bridge to Permanent General: Error processing bridge file. Access violation at address xxx in module PERMBrdge.exe...?

Answer / Solution
  1. These error messages are the result of using a UNC as the target path (path description for the machine that the bridge file is installed to).
  2. You must use a designated drive letter and path to this file (i.e. F:\Company\PERMBrdg.exe...).
  3. If there is no drive designation mapped to this computer, you may need to get your network administrator to create one.
  4. Once this drive has been mapped, you will need to have a user with an administrative login change the path in the 
    Company set up screen.

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Direct Link to This FAQ

Permanent General bridge error PERMBridge.exe

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