
FAQ ID # 24
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How can I set up each of my CSR's to log in to TurboRater so that I can run reports to find out who quoted what?

Answer / Solution

User setup:

  1. Go to the Edit menu and select Users.
  2. The User Entry screen will appear.
  3. Click on New.
  4. Enter the user's first and last name (middle name is not required).
  5. The Password entry field is also not required.  You can enter just the user's first and last name and not require them to have a password.  However, if they do have a password they must remember what the password is and that it is case sensitive.  There is no way to find out what their password is if they forget.  The user would need to be deleted and added back in.  This may affect the name associated with quotes for reporting if the user has to be deleted.
  6. Click OK to save the new user and return to the User Entry screen.
  7. Repeat the steps above to add other users.
  8. Once all users have been entered, click on OK to close the screen.
  9. Close the Comparative Rater and re-open it.
  10. All users will now open to a User Login screen where they will select their name from the dropdown list and enter their password (if there is one).
  11. Click OK to complete the opening of the program.
  12. Once the user has logged in, they will now see their name at the bottom right of the program screen.  All quotes that are saved by users will display their name in the Select a quote to open screen in the Quoted By and, if the quote has been modified by them, in the Modified By columns.  In addition, the user name will show on the breakdown screen previewing a rated quote.


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User setup login CSRs Producers

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