
FAQ ID # 23
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
Is there a history list of quotes that I recently opened that I can access?

Answer / Solution

Quote history list:

  1. A list of the last 10 recently opened quotes can be accessed from the File menu.
  2. Click on File, and at the bottom of that menu you will see a list of the last 10 insured names that you opened a quote for.
  3. Select the name you want to open the quote for.
  4. You have the option to delete this list by clicking on File/Clear File History.

NOTE: If any of the quote names that appear on this list have been deleted, you will receive an error message if you select it from the File menu: 

The quote (insured name) has been deleted and is not available.

Related FAQs
How do I open a saved quote?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Quote file history recently access opened

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