
FAQ ID # 218
Last Update : 2010/02/08
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Question / Issue
What does this message mean and how do I get rid of it:' / ' is not a valid date?

Answer / Solution


Opening the Comparative rater and receiving this error message means that your *.vld file is corrupted or has an invalid date stored after validating your license.

  1. To resolve this issue:
    • Open My Computer and go into the XXCMP32 folder (XX is the state abbreviation).
    • Find the file with an extension .vld (there will a 4 digit number preceeding the extension).
    • Right click and delete it.
    • Open the Comparative

If you are receiving the message when trying to access an application it may be one of several things:

  1. The Application module may be corrupted:
    • Close all quotes
    • Go to the Edit menu and select Companies.
    • Highlight the company giving the error message and click on Delete,
    • Then click on the Add button and select the company.
    • Open your quote an try to access the application.
    • If you are still receiving the error message go to #2 below.
  2. The Company information may be corrupted:
    • Close all quotes.
    • Have all other users exit the Comparative Rater.
    • Go to the Tools/Advanced and select Validate Company Data.
    • Click on OK once you verify all users are out of the Comparative Rater.
    • Click on Start Scan.
    • Open your quote and try to access the application.
    • If you are still receiving the error message go to #3 below.
  3. The Company registry may be corrupted and you may need to reinstall all of your companies:
    • Close the Comparative rater.
    • Open My Computer and go into the XXCMP32 folder (XX is the state abbreviation).
    • Find the Company folder, right click on it and select Rename (just simply add a 1 to end of the current name  so that it is now named Company1).
    • Find the Sysdata folder, right click on it and select Rename (just simply add a 2 to the end of the current name so that is now named Sysdata1).
    • Open the Comparative Rater.
    • The program will now ask you to reinstall your companies .
    • Open your quote and try to access the application.



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Error not a valid date opening comparative rater access app

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