
FAQ ID # 2
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I install TurboRater to my network?

Answer / Solution

Download installation to a network:

  1. Go to the server machine that the program will be installed to.
      • NOTE:  You will need to make sure that all workstations have a mapped drive to the server's hard drive location where you will be installing the Comparative Rater to.  There is no need to install the program to any other computers other than the server.
  2. Open your web browser and go to www.turborater.com
  3. Select Downloads from the top of the page on the Customer Support menu.
  4. Go to the Comparative Rating Products section of the page and click on the state name that you would like to download.
  5. Click on Run in the File Download box.
  6. Click on Run in the Internet Explorer box.
  7. Once the Welcome! screen comes up click on Next.
  8. Click on Yes on the End-User License screen.
  9. The next screen that will come up is the Select Destination Directory.  If the default path displayed is not where you would like to install the program to, click on the Browse button to choose the preferred location.
  10. Click on Next once the installation location has been selected.
  11. Once the installation has completed you will be asked to create a shortcut, click Yes if this is the initial installation to this computer.
  12. Next you will be asked to select the shortcut for the program you have purchased:
    • ITC Comparative Rater - This is the locally installed program on your network with a locally accessed quote file on your network.
    • ITC Comparative Rater w/Online Storage - This is the locally installed program on your network with an online stored quote file located on an ITC server.
  13. Click on Finish on the Installation Completed!  screen.
  14. The program will open to the Agency Account Setup screen where you must enter:
    • Your ITC Account Number - This should have been provided to you by your ITC Sales Rep.
    • Product Serial Number - Also provided by your sales rep.
    • If you have purchased additional products such as Redbook:
        • Click on the Add button in the middle of the screen.
        • Select the Feature Code from the dropdown box.
        • Enter the Product Serial Number for that purchased feature.
        • Click on OK to go back to the Agency Account Setup screen.
        • You will need to click on the Add button for each addtional feature product that you purchased.
    • Click on OK to complete this setup.
  15. The Agency Setup screen will come up next and will require you to fill out your agency information.  Only the fields preceeded by an asterisk * are required entries.  The other fields are optional.  Once you have filled out all entries click on OK to save and close this screen.
  16. The final step to the installation process is to download your insurance companies.
  17. The Install Companies box should automatically come up.  Click in each box next to the company name that you would like to install.
  18. Once each company is selected click on OK to complete the download of the companies.
  19. You will now need to go to each computer that will run the Comparative Rater and create a shortcut to the server copy.  An example of a path might look something like: F:\ITC\TXCMP32\TXCMP32.EXE

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Installation network Comparative Rater TurboRater

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