
FAQ ID # 19
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How can I set entry fields with the defaults that I want for all new quotes that I open (create a default quote template)?

Answer / Solution

Creating default quote templates:

  1. Open a new quote.
  2. Change each entry field to what you prefer to default on all tabs (Policy, Drivers, Vehicles).
      • NOTE: If you do not want to default a Make and Model of a vehicle on the Vehicles tab, then do not tab or click in those fields or the program will force you to make a selection.
  3. Once you have made your changes to the default entries, click on the File menu. Select Save As and from the submenu, select Quote Template.
  4. A Quote Template box will come up where you can name your template.  The default entry is New Template. If you are going to set up more than one template, then you may want to name this template to describe what the template represents.  Such as: Basic Full Coverage or Full Coverage or Basic Liability or Liability with MedPay, etc.  
  5. Once you have entered your description,  click on OK.
  6. You will be asked if you want to make your template the default.  Yes will set the template as the new quote template. This means whenever you click on the new quote icon or click on File/New Quote, your default template will open.  If you click No, whatever template that is already set as the default template will open.
  7. If you decide to create multiple quote templates, only one can be set as the default.  To open a template other than the default:
    • Click on File/New Quote from Template  or press CRTL + T to view all of your templates.
    • Your default quote template will be highlighted.
    • Hightlight and click OK or double click on the template you wish to open.

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Set default entry fields quote template

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