
FAQ ID # 18
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I open a saved quote?

Answer / Solution

Opening saved quotes:

  1. There are several ways to get to the Select a quote to open screen to open a saved quote:
    • From the File menu, select Open Quote.
    • Press CTRL + O.
    • From the toolbar, click on the open file folder icon.
  2. From the Select a quote to open screen:
    • You can search for your quote by selecting a Search Type from the dropdown list at the top of the screen.  Then enter the information in the Search for entry field (items such as Insured Name, SSN,  Home Phone, etc.).  The highlight bar will go to the match for the entry you made.
  3. To open a quote:
    • You can double click on the insured name.
    • You can also click on the Open button at the bottom of the screen.
    • If there are multiple quotes listed under the Saved Quotes for section, you can highlight the quote you wish to open and either double click on it or click on the Open button.

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Open saved quotes

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