
FAQ ID # 17
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
How do I restore my quotes from a backup?

Answer / Solution

Restore backed up quotes:

  1. Close any open quotes so that you are at a blank screen with your menus at the top.
  2. Click on Tools/ Quote Management/ System Backup. Or click on the file cabinet icon  on our Tool bar and select System Backup…

  3. You will be prompted to make sure that all users are out of the system. It is extremely important to do this to ensure that no data is corrupted in the process.
  4. Select the quote backup that you would like to restore from (backups are listed in the middle of the screen).  Do this by clicking in the box to put a checkmark next to the File name.

  5. If you only want to restore your quote file, then uncheck the 2 items in the  Miscellaneous section.
  6. The Backup Directory section tells the program where your backup files are located.  If the backups you are looking for are not listed above, click on the Browse button to locate them. 
  7. Once you have made your selections, click on the Restore button at the bottom left corner of this screen.
  8. You will then receive a warning message: WARNING: Restoring the selected data will replace existing files with data from the last time the system was backed up.  Current data inthe selected files will be lost! Continue? Click on Yes.
  9. The program will begin to uncompress the backup.
  10. Next the Database Initialization Process screen will come up.  At this time it is restoring your quote file.  
  11. You will be notified once the restore process is complete.  Click on the OK button to complete this process.
  12. You will be taken back to the Backup System… screen.
  13. Click on the Done button to close this screen

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How do I create a back up of my quote file?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Restore backup quote file

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