
FAQ ID # 167
Last Update : 2009/08/20
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Question / Issue
MVR Frequently Asked Questions

Answer / Solution

How much is it?

 The price of an MVR is dictated in large part by the state. For pricing and availability in your state, please contact an ITC sales representative.

 How does it work?

 When you order an MVR through an ITC product, we retrieve MVR information from the state over the Internet. We pull the information into your TurboRater  product, allowing you to apply it directly to the policy. We also give you the capability to view a printer-friendly copy of the MVR with your Internet browser, where you can look at and print the actual MVR returned by the state.

 What states is MVR available in?

 MVR ordering is currently available only in multiple states. If you would like to see this capability in another state, please contact a sales representative.

 How does the money work ?

 When you first set up your MVR account your account balance starts at $0.00. You will then make an initial payment online. Each time you order an MVR the agreed upon charge for each MVR will be deducted from your account balance. Once the account balance reaches $0.00, it will be necessary to make another payment in order to continue MVR services. You may make payments at any time to increase your account balance.

 It looks great for comparative. Can I get it in a Point of Sale solution?

 MVR capability is very flexible, and is available throughout all TurboRater  products. However, it is currently supported only in the state of Texas. Please contact a sales representative to add MVR to your POS product in Texas, or to request MVR capability in another state.

 Can I print an MVR?

 Yes you can. When you order an MVR, that MVR is saved on the Internet for a period of 60 days. This MVR is then accessible from your TurboRater  product. When you view the MVR from TurboRater , it is opened up in your default Web Browser. You can then print this polished looking MVR from your Web browser.

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