
FAQ ID # 144
Last Update : 2010/03/24
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Question / Issue
What information do I need to know about the Consumer Rater that integrates with the Comparative Rater?

Answer / Solution

Consumer Rater Tips and Tricks:

  1. This rater is not meant to give a final, comprehensive quote.
  2. It is a lead generation tool.
  3. The quote given is based on certain assumptions and does not ask all the info that can be entered in the Comparative Rater to generate discounts, surcharges etc.
  4. The agent must contact the prospect and finalize the quote, i.e. get info that determines discounts, surcharges, how long prior insurance, lapses, etc. 
  5. It can indicate a foreign or international driver.
  6. It will allow you to customize higher limits other than just the state minimums.

 Common questions:

  1. It does not come in a Spanish version.
  2. It does not order credit.
  3. It cannot issue a policy.
  4. Not customizable to add agency items like motorclub, bond cards, etc.


To view a video on the features of this, click on the link below under Related Links.

Related Links
eTurborater training video

Direct Link to This FAQ

Consumer rater website comparative

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