
FAQ ID # 127
Last Update : 2009/02/09
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Question / Issue
How do I use the new Insurance Scoring/ Real-Time Rating screen?

Answer / Solution

New Insurance Scoring/Real-Time Rating screen:

Insurance Scoring Screen Updated:
Under the Insurance Score screen, the user now has the ability to specify what companies a credit score will be ordered for. 
If you only wish to run credit for one company, just double click on that company's name in this screen to "Turbo Rate".

Your selections can be saved as a default by saving a configuration.

If the company has specified any rules, such as not to run an insurance score unless they are listed in the top five of the lowest premiums, the rule will still preclude the agent from obtaining an accurate credit scored quote.  However, by double clicking on the company name, credit will be run for that company only.

Direct Link to This FAQ

New Insurance Credit Scoring Real-Time Rating screen

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