
FAQ ID # 12
Last Update : 2009/09/01
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Question / Issue
Does my Comparative Rater automatically update? If not, how do I know when to update?

Answer / Solution

How to know when to update your Comparative Rater?

  1. No, the Comparative Rater does not automatically update.  It runs a check for updates every day, the first time you open the program. You should see a box come up that shows it's connecting to the ITC server checking for updates.
  2. After the Comparative checks and finds updates available, the little computer on the icon toolbar at the top of the screen will turn bluish-green. 
  3. Every Wednesday ITC sends out an email notification with information on updates for specific companies that were posted during the past week since the prior email notification.

NOTE: ITC recommends that you update your Comparative Rater as soon as you are notified of an update.

Program Updating Options.pdf (10.3Kb)

Related FAQs
How do I update my Comparative Rater?

Direct Link to This FAQ

automatic update

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