
FAQ ID # 119
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
What should I do if I have a rate difference between the Comparative Rater and my company?

Answer / Solution

How to submit a rating discrepancy to ITC:

  1. You will need to fax ITC a Research Request Form and a copy of the quote or dec page from the insurance company to 1-800-687-5454.  You have an option to email this form, however you will be required to either fax or attach the company documentation to your email request.
  2. To print the Research Request Form:
    • From the company quote breakdown screen go to the Forms menu.
    • Select Research Request Form.
    • Verify your agency information and click Next (make sure that you fill in your fax number).
    • If you would like to email this form, click in the box next to Send Research by E-Mail (even though you are emailing this form you are required to fill in the fax number). 
    • On the next screen, describe the rating descrepancy and click Next.
    • Answer yes or no to the 3 questions on the following screen.
    • Click on Finish to print the documents (it will print the research form and your quote) or email the form.
      • If you are emailing the form, Turbo Mail will come up with the attached form (Research.txt) on the email Attachments tab.  You will need to attach the company documentation to this form by scanning it to a file.  If you are unable to attach the supporting company documentation, then fax it to the number above.

Email option for Research Request Form.pdf (36.1Kb)
Location of the Research Request Form.pdf (35.8Kb)
TurboMail attachment Research Request Form.pdf (45.3Kb)

Direct Link to This FAQ

Rating descrepancy difference submit research request form

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