
FAQ ID # 112
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
Where do I look to find only the templates that I created using the Online Storage Comparative Rater?

Answer / Solution

Online Storage Quote Templates:

  1. When you save a quote template, there is no option of where it will be placed.
  2. The template is associated with the agency, location and the user logged in.
  3. When you click on File, then New Quote From Template, the New Quote box will appear.
  4. At the top of the screen you have the option to select from three categories: Agency, Location and CSR from the Filter Type dropdown list:
    • Agency -  you will see and choose from all of the templates saved by anyone in the agency.
    • Location - you will see and choose from all of the templates save by anyone at the currently logged in location.
    • CSR - you can only see your own templates created by you, the currently logged in user.

Online Storage Open Quote Template screen.pdf (29.8Kb)

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Online storage quote templates

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