
FAQ ID # 107
Last Update : 2010/06/24
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Question / Issue
How do I upload all of my quotes from the local Comparative database to the Online database?

Answer / Solution

How to batch upload quotes from the local Comparative database to Online:

  1. You will need to make sure that the storage amount that you are uploading is not more than the storage space that you purchased.  If it hits that number during the upload, it will stop.
  2. Make sure all users have exited the Comparative Rater.
  3. Close any open quotes.
      • NOTE: We recommend that you run the Certify Quote file utility before uploading your quotes.
        • However, before you run the Certify Quote file utility, we also recommend that you first run the Reindex Databases utility by going to the Tools menu, Advanced, then Reindex Databases.  
        • Then go to the Tools menu and select Agency Management and Certify Quote File or click the file cabinet icon on the toolbar at the top of the screen and select Certify Quote File. 
  4. After the quote preparation utilities have been run, go to the Tools menu and select Quote Management,  then Upload Quotes or click the file cabinet icon on the toolbar at the top of the screen and select Upload Quotes.
  5. You will receive a message asking if you want to clean out your old quotes before uploading.  If you say Yes, you will be taken to the Delete Quotes utililty where you can make our selections to delete quotes.  Click Done to continue the batch upload process.
  6. You will then be asked if you want to make a backup of your quotes before the upload.  If you say Yes, you will be taken to the Backup System utility to create a backup.  Click Done when the back up is complete to continue the upload process
  7. The Online Storage Batch Upload screen will appear.  This will allow you to make selections (i.e. date range) before the upload.  Click on the List  button to display all quotes you want to upload based on your selections.  If there are any quotes displayed that you do not want to upload, then uncheck them.  Or click on the Clear All button to uncheck all quotes.  Then go through the list and check those that you do want to upload.
  8. Once your selections have been made, click on the Upload button.
  9. You will receive a confirmation box telling you the number of quotes and estimated time to upload them.  Click on OK  to continue with the upload.
  10. You will see each quote uploaded.
  11. Once all of your quotes have uploaded, you will be taken to a Batch Upload Statistics screen showing:
    • The number of quotes uploaded successfully.
    • The number of unsuccessful uploaded quotes.
    • The total number of uploads.
    • The total time for the upload process. 
    • A list of each uploaded quote.
    • If there were any unsuccessful uploads, it will list each quote.
  12. Click the Done button to exit the screen.
  13. Click on the Cancel button to exit the Online Storage Batch Upload screen.

Related Links
Comparative Online Storage Features document

Related FAQs
What does the Certiy Quote File option do?

Direct Link to This FAQ

Upload quotes online storage database

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