
FAQ ID # 106
Last Update : 2012/01/12
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Question / Issue
How do I get activated to use the Comparative Online Storage program?

Answer / Solution

Comparative Online Storage:

  1. If you are currently using the Comparative Rater with local database storage, you will need to contact your ITC Sales rep.  There is an additional cost associated with this upgrade.
  2. Once your Sales person has provided you with your login information for Online Storage, you will need to change your Comparative Rater shortcut:
    • Right click on your current Comparative Rater desktop shorcut and select Properties.
    • In the Target entry field you will see a path, change the XXCMP32.EXE (XX is the state abbreviation) to N5OS.EXE 
    • Click Apply and OK to save and exit the screen.
  3. If you had the Comparative Ratere open please close it out and re-open it. When you open the Comparative Rater, you will now be taken to an Online Storage login screen.  
  4. Please enter your account number, user name, and password and click on the Login button. This information normally would have been sent via email.

Related Links
General Features document for Online Storage

Direct Link to This FAQ

Online Storage Activation

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