
FAQ ID # 105
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
What does the Certiy Quote File option do?

Answer / Solution

Certify Quote File:

  1. This utility is used to repair a corrupted quote file.
      • NOTE: Before you run this utility, we recommend that you first run the Reindex Databases utility. (See the related FAQ link at the bottom of this page on how to run this). 
  2. To access this utility, go to the Tools menu and select Agency Management, then Certify Quote File or click the file cabinet icon on the toolbar at the top of the screen and select Certify Quote File. 
  3. You will receive a message to make sure all users have exited the Comparative Rater.  Click OK to continue.
      • NOTE: If you have a large quote file it will take several minutes to run so you may want to run this utility during a slow time in your day or after hours.
  4. You will see several boxes scanning through records in multiple files.
  5. Once it has completed, if there were quotes that could not be repaired, you will receive a message stating that X number of quotes could not be repaired and that they were deleted.
  6. Click on OK to complete the process.

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Direct Link to This FAQ

Certify corrupte quote file

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