
FAQ ID # 102
Last Update : 2009/08/27
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Question / Issue
How do I assign an independent finance company to all insurance companies?

Answer / Solution

Assigning a finance company to all insurance companies:

  1. Close all open quotes and have all users exit the Comparative Rater.
  2. Go to the Edit menu and select Companies or press your <F9> function key.
  3. On the Company Setup screen, click on the Finance Companies tab.
  4. Left double click on the finance company that you want to assign to all companies or left click to highlight the name and Click on the Properties button at the bottom right of the screen.
  5. On the General tab of the finance companies Properties screen, click in the box next to Apply To All Companies.
  6. To save and exit the screen, click on Apply and OK.
  7. Click on Done to exit the Company Setup screen.


Direct Link to This FAQ

Independent financing selection apply all companies

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