
FAQ ID # 10
Last Update : 2011/09/06
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Question / Issue
Is there an easy way to view/enter all of my insurance company producer codes and other information at one time?

Answer / Solution

How to view insurance company information on one screen:

  1. If you are on a network be sure that all other users have exited the program including NetSpawn users.
    • NOTE: NetSpawn users do not have access to the Company Setup or the Edit Produer Codes screenYou must go into the main copy of the program to access this feature.
  2. Close all open quotes.
  3. From the Edit menu at the top left of the screen, select Producer Codes.
  4. This will bring up the Edit Producer Codes screen and display additional information:
    • Company Name
    • Producer Code
    • User ID and Password (if applicable)
    • Bridge Path (Will display if the path, URL or executable file has been provided to ITC by the company)
  5. If the Producer Code  is shown as blank next to the company name, you can easily enter this information:
    • Highlight the company by left clicking on the company name.
    • At the bottom left of the screen enter your producer code in the Producer Code entry field.
    • If a User ID and Password are needed, enter those as well.
    • Click on Apply to add this information to the company properties (as soon as you click on Apply you will see this info added above next to the company name - do this after you enter information for each company).
  6. Once you have made your modifications to this screen, click on the Done button at the bottom of the screen.

Edit Producer Codes screen.pdf (32.0Kb)

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Producer codes one screen view insurance company information

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