Question / Issue |
How do I use and what is the Bulk Print option? |
Answer / Solution |
Bulk Printing:
This feature allows you to print customized letters and mailing labels to multiple customers at one time.
This option is acessed from 2 different locations in InsurancePro:
- On the left side of the screen under Agency Tools, select Bulk Print OR
- At the top of the screen under the Agency Tools menu, select Mail Center.
- From the Mail Center menu, select Batch Printing.
Choose Filter Type:
- By Event Date
- By Name/Policy Number
- By Query
- NOTE: The Filter Details will change based on the Filter Type you choose above.
- Choose the Filter Details that you would like to base the selection of customers on:
- By Event Date - detail filter items will be:
- By Name/Policy Number - detail filters will be:
- By Query - detail filters will be: (A new screen will appear to enter your query items)
- Each line in this window represents a condition that you can build to match clients: (each entry field has a dropdown selection):
- And/Or - This first column on each line (except the first line), you must specifiy how this line relates to the query:
- And - Entered means that the condition must be matched to include clients.
- Or - Entered means that any clients matching this condition will also be included.
- Query Based on - This describes which field you want to use to select clients.
- Format - This specifies what type of data the field contains (number,currency, date, or text).
- Type - This specifies how to compare the field to the specified value.
- Value - This specifies what to match.
- Delete - Deletes a query line.
- Once you have entered each row and selections for each entry field, click on the Select button at the bottom of the screen.
- A Print Labels box will appear and ask you to make selections as far as sizing of the labels. Once you have made your choices, click Print or Cancel.
Once you have selected your filter options, click on the Add to List button at the top right of the screen. This will display a list of customers in the middle of the screen based on the criteria that you selected. All customers listed have a checkmark in front of the Eff Date indicating that they are selected. You may uncheck any client in this list if you decide that you don't want to include them in the printing or emailing of the letter.Choose the Letter you would like to print or email from the dropdown list at the bottom left of the screen under Step 4 Prepare Correspondence Print Letters.
- The Clear List button allows you to clear the listing and reselect your options.
Once you have your list of customers, you can print the letter (click on the Print Letter for selected Clients) for all selected customers.
You can add to your existing list by making other selections and then clicking on the Add to List button.