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Topics > Agency Settings > FAQ ID # 227

FAQ ID # 227
InsurancePro configuration changes required for bridging to TurboRater
Last Update : 2013/06/12
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Question / Issue
Bridging From InsurancePro to TurboRater Information

Answer / Solution

Updates to InsurancePro will affect InsurancePro integration with TurboRater

The next release of InsurancePro will include an upgrade to the bridge between InsurancePro and TurboRater.  This upgrade includes the capability to update policies originating from inside InsurancePro as well as the ability for ITC to provide better support for the bridge process.

With this update comes some required changes on the customer's part.  Not all of our customers will require this change, but those who are taking advantage of the excellent integration between TurboRater and InsurancePro will need to change some settings in InsurancePro.

Does this affect me?

This affects your agency if you answer "Yes" to these questions:

  1. Do you use InsurancePro and TurboRater?
  2. Do you bridge data from InsurancePro to TurboRater?

What you need to do

Affected agencies will need to do 2 things:

  1. Set InsurancePro to require logon (Click here for instructions)
  2. Configure each agent in InsurancePro with their TurboRater User Account on the Integration tab. (Click here for instructions)

When you need to do it

You will need to make these configuration changes after upgrading InsurancePro to version or greater and before the first time you attempt to bridge from InsurancePro to TurboRater.

Related FAQs
Configuring InsurancePro for Bridging to TurboRater
Configure InsurancePro to Require Login
How to configure InsurancePro to require a login
Configure InsurancePro Agent Logins for Bridging to TurboRater

Direct Link to This FAQ

Bridge TurboRater

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