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Topics > Installation > FAQ ID # 134

FAQ ID # 134
Last Update : 2019/07/17
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Question / Issue
How do I set up IVANS.Net for downloads from carriers into insurancePro?

Answer / Solution

  1) Create an AIDOWN folder:

·         Go to My Computer.

·         Left double click the C: drive.

·         Go to the File menu and select New>Folder.

·         Name the new folder AIDOWN.



    • For Win VISTA 64 bit Ultimate or Windows 7:
      • Right click on any open area in the C: drive (be sure that it is not over any existing icon).
      • From the menu that appears, select New>Folder.
      • Rename New Folder to AIDOWN.

2) Enter NAIC Codes in InsurancePro for all of your carriers:

·        Open InsurancePro and go to Agency Settings.

·     Click on Insurance Companies.


·      On the left side of the screen, left click on a company name to select the one you want to add NAIC codes for.

·       Click on Setup NAIC Codes at the bottom of the screen.



  ·         To enter an NAIC code:

·         Left double click on the black line under the NAIC code heading and enter the NAIC code.

·         Then double click under the Company/Description heading to enter the company name.

·         Click on the Close button when done.

·         Repeat this process for each company.

·         A list of NAIC codes by company can be found by visiting our website at:



3) Get a mailbox account with IVANS and notify carriers:

·         To get a mailbox account with IVANS, contact one of your carriers that currently download through


·         The carrier will submit your agency information to IVANS who in turn will set up a mailbox specifically for your agency.

·         You will be provided with your IVANS Y account and User ID.

·         This identifies your mailbox with IVANS.

·         All of your carriers that download through IVANS will use this mailbox.

·         After you receive your Y account and User ID, you will want to provide that information to the remaining carriers that support IVANS downloads.

·         For a list of carriers certified to download into InsurancePro and the method they use, click on this link:


4)   Install IVANS Transfer Manager.NET:

·         To install the IVANS’ Transfer Manager.Net, go to: http://appliedsystems.com/transfer-manager/TM4.1.0.zip

·         Click on Run or Save. Click on Run to start the installation immediately.

·         If the Run option is not available:

o    Choose Save to download the installation program to your desktop.

o    After the download is complete, go to your desktop and click on the icon labeled IVANSTMNET to run the installation program.


·         If prompted by a Security Warning, select Run. 

·         Select Next on the Welcome screen.



·         We highly recommend leaving the installation folder set to the default path of C:\TM.NET Setup.

·         Select Finish on this screen to continue.


·         Click Yes to create the output folder.


·         Click Next to continue.


·         After reviewing the License Agreement, select Yes to continue.



·         We highly recommend leaving the Destination Folder set to C:\IVANS\TM.NET.

·         Select Next to accept.



·         Select Next to start copying files.



·         Select Finish to complete the setup.




5) Configure IVANS Transfer Manager.NET

·         Open Transfer Manager.Net by going to “Start”, “All Programs” and clicking on “Transfer Manager.NET”.



·         Click on Configuration then Support Mode.


·         Click on Configuration then Mailboxes.



·         Click on the Add… button to add your mailbox information for your location.


NOTE: If you have multiple locations each location will need to have their own Y account number. The transfer manager will also need to be installed at each location.


 ·         Enter your mailbox information that was provided by one of the companies that already processes downloads with IVANS.

o    Account: Enter your Y account number

o    User ID: Enter your User ID (yx number)

o    Mailbox Password: Your mailbox password is also your User ID (yx number)

o    Confirm Password: Enter your User ID again (yx number)

o    Location: Choose “IVANS ECS Internet API”

o    Online: Check the box for Online

o    Click OK when done.


Note: If you do not have an IVANS mailbox number, refer to:  3) Get a mailbox account with IVANS and notify carriers:

 previously explained above in this guide.



·         Click OK to complete the Transfer Manager.NET setup.



·         Click on Session then on New… to run a session.


·         Click on Run Session.


·         After a successful conformation, click on OK.

·         If it was unsuccessful please contact Ivan’s tech support at 1-855-233-9128 or Chat online with them at




NOTE: After a successful confirmation, contact the company that setup your Y Account and let them know you are ready to start receiving files from them. You will also need to contact the rest of the companies that send download policy information through IVANS, and give them your Y Account number so that you can receive files from them.


6)   Set Up InsurancePro for IVANS Downloads

·         Open InsurancePro.

·         From the Download/Bridge menu, select Setup IVANS Transfer Manager.



·         Click on Create Configuration File.



·         Select No as you will not need to view the file.



·         Click the red X button to exit the screen.


7)   Download and Process Policy Transactions

·         From the Download/Bridge menu, select Run Download Session.





·         Select Yes to process downloaded files.



·         Select OK to accept C:\AIDown as the download folder.



·         Select OK.


Processing the Downloaded Transactions.


InsurancePro automatically matches the downloaded policy transactions to existing clients in InsurancePro by matching the policy number and/or client name. If a match is not found, you have the ability to manually associate the policy transaction to an existing customer. Otherwise, InsurancePro will create a new policy for any unmatched transactions.


To view transactions that were not matched with existing policies, click on Auto Select. All transactions that were not matched will be unchecked.


To avoid duplicates please reference this frequently asked question:




Once you have completed, click on Upload Selected in to InsurancePro button to process the selected transactions and upload them in to InsurancePro.


Note: Selecting “Upload Selected in to InsurancePro” will incorporate the policy transactions into your InsurancePro database. This process cannot be undone.



Repeat Step 7) whenever you want to process downloads from your carriers.







Related Links
Ivans Training Video

Direct Link to This FAQ

IVANS.net downloads setup

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