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FAQ ID # 133
Common Errors When Exporting to QuickBooks®
Last Update : 2017/09/15
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Question / Issue
Common QuickBooks® Export Errors

Answer / Solution

Common QuickBooks® Export Errors

You have exceeded the list limit in QuickBooks®.

This occurs when you have initiated an export and InsurancePro is asking to add a Customer, Vendor, or Name to a list that can handle no more additions.  This may require an upgrade to your QuickBooks® software.  Please see the following link for more information from Intuit: http://support.quickbooks.intuit.com/support/Pages/KnowledgeBaseArticle/1006129

There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks CheckExpenseLineItem Account "xxx" in the Check Expense line.  QuickBooks error message: Invalid argument.  The specified record does not exist in the list.

This occurs when you have not entered all accounts defined in InsurancePro into QuickBooks®.  Please check that the accounts defined in InsurancePro match those named in QuickBooks® exactly.  If a QuickBooks® account name is not defined in InsurancePro, InsurancePro will default the account name to the InsurancePro account name specified.

To configure the accounts in InsurancePro, click on "Options" on the "Main Menu" and then click on "Setup InsurancePro Accounts".  All accounts in this list must exist in QuickBooks®.

Transaction split lines to accounts receivable must include a customer on that split line.

This occurs when you have setup your categorical accounts (for example Down Payments or Monthly Payments) as an Account Receivable account type in QuickBooks®.  To address this problem, edit the offending account in QuickBooks® and select a different account type.  Account types of "Income" or "Expense" can be exported to from InsurancePro.

Error occurred while explorting checks.  Status 3140.  Message: There is an invalid reference to QuickBooks Payee " " in the Check.

This happens if you have a check going out with no payee - ie, a blank check.  The easiest way to find this is to use the Daily Transaction Report for the same date range - with the Withdrawals tab - look for the blank line.

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